Trolling Planers - Driving Center Consoles

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

One of the more important fishing skills to master for trolling with planers is how to drive the boat while hooked up to a fish. If your boat driver does not handle the boat in the right way, your chances of losing a fish are greatly increased. The first fundamental principle to master is to never take the boat out of gear. You need to continue moving your boat forward, at all times. This helps keep pressure on the fish. Many of the toothy fish you will encounter while trolling with planers, like wahoo and mackerel, have a strong proclivity to race towards the boat upon hook up. If you slow the boat, you could get cut off. So, just keep the boat in gear. You can even bump the throttles up, if that helps you to keep pulling the fish. Another key principle is how you turn the boat as you reel the fish in. The driver needs to focus on not tangling the line hooked to the fish with the other planer line. Keep in mind, you do not want to reel in the other planer. You want to leave that planer out, in hopes of catching another fish. Once the fish you have hooked is coming in, you will want to turn the boat to create a clean water lane. This is a very gradual turn. We will show you how to do this in the video. When the planer comes up, you will want to start a slow turn in the opposite direction. Which way should you turn and how fast is very important. You will see precisely what to do in this short video. Driving a center console while trolling with planers does not have to be difficult. Executed the right way, you will be catching loads more fish with unbelievable ease. Take your time and make sure the boat driver is handling the boat correctly. Be methodical and communicate. Mastering the fundamentals of boat driving is super easy. Enjoy and put these tips for trolling with planers to good use.

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When trolling with planers on a center console boat, driving is super important. In most aspects of trolling, boat driving plays a central roll in how successful you are in landing fish. Trolling with planers can be a highly effective means of catching wahoo, mackerel, tuna and several other desirable game fish. It is not that complicated, if you focus on understanding a few basic fishing principles. How you drive the boat is one of the more important principles to work on. This short video from In The Spread features best practices for how to drive a small boat once you are hooked up. This is very important. The first thing to know is never take the boat out of gear. Continue in a straight line. If you slow the boat upon hook up, you could easily get cut off. You need to keep pulling on the fish. You can even bump the throttles up to keep pressure on the fish. It is important to know that wahoo and mackerel have a tendency to swim back towards the boat at hook up. This is why you want to keep moving forward. So, you have a fish on and start cranking in line. We will provide a few fishing tips on using your reel while it is still in the rod holder. When fishing with a planer, there is no need to take the rod out of the rod holder. You can do all the angling without picking up the rod. As you are cranking, the boat driver needs to focus on making sure the fish on doesn't get caught up in the other line. You do not want to reel in the other planer. You want to leave it out to get another bite. Once you have the fish coming in, the boat driver should gradually turn the boat in the opposite direction of the fish. If the fish is on the starboard rod, you will be turning to port. This is a gradual turn that will create a clean water alley on the starboard side. You will see in the video just how easy of a turn you should be in. When the planer comes up, grab the leader and dump the line back in the water. The forward movement of the boat will carry the line away from the boat. Do not put the line in the boat. Putting the line on the deck is a great way to get it tangled with something. If you have line in the boat and the fish does a run, you could have a problem. As the fish gets withing gaff range, turn the boat gradually in the direction of the fish. Again, with the fish on the starboard side, you will be moving back in that direction. Remember, these are all very gradual turns. No sharp or erratic turns are required. Keep in mind that you should never be taking the boat out of gear. When you have a fish on, take you time. Be methodical. Make sure the driver is driving in the right direction, at all times. Communication is key when trolling with planers. Watch more [Saltwater Fishing Techniques]( for Fishing with a Planer

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