Giant Bluefin Tuna Fishing Nova Scotia

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

The cold waters of the north Atlantic hold some giant bluefin tuna. Nova Scotia is one of the coolest places to target the biggest of the big bluefin, due to the relatively shallow fishing grounds. In this In The Spread fishing video, RJ Boyle and Any Moyes break down how to bait and fish these giant fish. You will learn about the heavy custom tackle used, the specialized rigs and baiting tactics that allow you to almost hand pick the fish you want to battle. See what it takes to gear up for these hogs and what it takes to battle big bluefin tuna. Even though fishing is Nova Scotia is unique, given the inability of fish to dive deep, the techniques and knowledge being shared can be applied elsewhere. Learn from a few of the best big game fishermen in the world how to catch giant bluefin tuna and fish smarter.

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There may not be a more fierce deep sea fishing species than the giant bluefin tuna. The power and stamina of this game fish is unparalleled. In The Spread traveled to Ballantyne’s Cove, Nova Scotia for an opportunity to learn the offshore fishing tactics required to tangle with the toughest fish in the sea. Host RJ Boyle picks the brain of big game legend Andy Moyes, so you will be more knowledgable. When giant bluefin tuna fishing, you begin to reconsider whether you have really fought tough fish? Prepare to have your arms stretched and your back strained because nothing pulls like the GIANT bluefin tuna. Trying to stop one of these behemoths is like trying to stop a run away dump truck with no brakes going downhill. Good luck! With this instructional fishing video, you will get deep insight on custom rods, rigs, hooks and baits that are used by these tuna fishing aficionados. Andy Moyes is a humble, deep thinking big game fisherman. He will discuss how to bait these hogs, how to sight feed individual fish, how to hook them and how to stay connected. It’s all here and more…RJ Boyle asks the hard hitting questions and provides the answers on how to catch giant bluefin tuna. The giant bluefin tuna fishery in Nova Scotia is really unique for big game fishing. The water is not deep, so the tuna do not dive they run and they run. The style and techniques used here are also dissimilar to those used in some of the more well publicized bluefin fisheries in the states. Even though the fishing may be unique to Nova Scotia, take away the techniques and knowledge that you could apply elsewhere. You will see how Andy targets bluefin tuna in two different scenarios. The first involves fishing around herring boats. You will learn about how to avoid the nets, creating a chum stream, baiting the fish, how to mimic the natural fall of bait through the water using dead bait. The second deals with drifting live baits throughout the water column to target fish. You will see how to utilize kite fishing techniques, suspending bait with floats and dropping baits deeper. Find out how tides impact the tunas feeding habits. When dealing with giant fish, you need to consider what is the most suitable tackle to minimize the time you fight the fish. This is heavy duty fishing. The 130 lb reels all have upgraded bearings, gears, drag and cams. These are high tolerance reels. The rods start as line handler poles. Lift is paramount. The blank is an unlimited 180 for max durability. But, whatever works for you is fine. The bluefin tuna rig has evolved over time and you will see how to assemble to different rigs. One is rather complicated and the other is the simplified version. The hooks and all the connections are discussed in detail. This type of fishing is not for everybody, but there is still a lot you can learn about fishing for big fish of any species. Take your time and enjoy this video. Never stop learning. [Tuna Fishing Videos](

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Mike Roy 05.27.2020


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