Daytime Swordfish Fishing in Florida

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

This In The Spread Daytime Swordfish instructional fishing video set the standard for how to learn broadbill swordfish techniques prior to hitting the water. It is not as difficult as it may seem. After all, dropping a bait a 1000 plus feet to the bottom and waiting for a bite can be very straight forward if you follow the principle shared in this video. RJ Boyle is a very accomplished daytime swordfishing angler in S. Florida. He shares everything you need to know to get started catching swordfish fish. Learn about all the tackle, rods and reels you will need. Get step by step explanations on how to assemble the swordfish rig. See how to set your boat up prior to leaving the dock and why it is so important to be ready before you drop a bait. Learn about the baits RJ likes and why. What may seem like to most difficult part, driving the boat, dropping you bait and starting your drift is made easy with this video. We walk you through each and every aspect of daytime sword fishing. One of the hardest things for fishermen is recognizing the bite. It can be almost imperceptible. We will show you exactly what to look for, so you don't miss the bite and that broadbill you are fishing for. If you are just getting into fishing for swordfish fish or are looking for a little more knowledge, this video is the answer. We address all the questions and lay out every detail, so you will know how to catch daytime swordfish. Watch and be a smarter fisherman.

Description / Review / Instructor

Is there are more esoteric deep sea fishing challenge than the pursuit of the broadbill swordfish? It's hard to say. Since Zane Grey's Tales of Swordfish and Tuna, the sport fishing landscape was forever altered. These mysterious beasts from the deep intrigued and confounded anglers the world over. We are here to flatten your offshore fishing learning curve. Learn how to catch swordfish fish with This In The Spread video. See exactly how to improve your offshore fishing for catching swordfish using tactics and techniques perfected for Florida big game fishing expert RJ Boyle. With this 2+ hour video, you will learn valuable techniques, gain in-depth insight into must have tools and tackle, how to setup your boat, bait rigging components, how to make the swordfish rig, what do swordfish eat, fishing tips on must have baits, how to recognize the bite and get fish into your boat. The swordfish rig is a giant factor in getting fish to the boat. We go into great detail about each component and how to assemble it. See what type and size of hook you need and why. Go step-by-step with us as we show you the size and type of leader and wind on leader you need and how to connect them. Where do you use braided line and where do you use mono. See the strobe lights that are attached to the leader and how to attach them. We will examine the different types of weights you can use, which one works best for different scenarios and how much you need to reach the bottom. Each and every connection is put under the microscope, so there is no misunderstanding. You will learn about all the necessary tackle you need to have on your boat and how to set it up for catching swordfish. We will discuss crimps, monofilament, cutters, chafe gear, files and more. What type of safety equipment do you need? Get instruction on the various gaffs you will need and why, harpoons, harpoon rope, why you need foam balls and the strobes for those balls. You will ever learn how to throw one. Nothing is left out. Many factors go into selecting broadbill swordfish rods and reels. Are you fishing in the Northeast, Florida of Texas? How much current are you dealing with? This impacts your rod choice. What are the ideal rod guides for that rod? You have to think about this stuff. If you are going to drop a bait 1800 feet to the bottom, do you want to crank all that line up with a huge fish attached or do you want an electric reel? If you go with the Lindgren Pitman electric reel, see how to operate it. Gain deep insight into the rods and reel. What kind of baits will you need for the xiphias gladius? What type of skirts and colors work best? Are you going to use bonita strips, mullet, lady fish, tinker mackerel of any of the other viable options to ge the fish to bite. How many will you need for a day on the water. We also include broadbill swordfish fishing techniques. This is one of the more complicated aspect of this type of fishing and the majority of what you will learn in this instructional video. How do you drive the boat and drop your bait to hit a specific spot a over a quarter of a mile away on the ocean bottom, based on the current you have in your area? RJ Boyle will show you everything you need to know. See how he does it. Let's not forget the most difficult part and that is the bite. How do you see it and how should you react when you do see it. You will see exactly what it looks like and how to drive the hook home to secure you fish. From here, we take you through several battles, so you get a clear picture of what you should be doing when hooked up. See how RJ Boyle operates the reel, how much drag you should be using, how to leader the fish and get that swordfish fish from the gaff into your boat. This is the most in-depth swordfishing instructional video on the market and the one that set the standard for sport fishing instruction. Watch it and learn. [Swordfish Fishing Videos]( [BUY DVD Here](

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