About us

About us

In The Spread (ITS) is the premier streaming platform for sport fishing instructional media. We share the experience and knowledge of some of the world's most accomplished fishermen. These are folks that fish all year, every year, for a lifetime. Our focus is to establish the most extensive and diverse saltwater and freshwater fishing video collection in the world. We are dedicated to delivering the highest quality instructional and entertainment films and videos. Think of us as a disruptive company, one that is revolutionizing the way fishermen accelerate their learning curves. Watch, learn and catch with In The Spread videos.

ITS provides an unforgettable learning experience. We stream the most complete and in-depth instructional oriented content source currently available in the sport fishing industry, across multiple species. Within this comprehensive learning system lies technical information and practical methodologies related to baits, tackle, tactics and techniques, rigging methods and boatmanship critical to any successful game fishing undertaking.

Our underlying objective goes to the heart of what fishing is all about, which is sharing knowledge to enhance somebody else's angling experience. Greatness cannot be achieved with half measures, so we endeavor to create the single most comprehensive resource for learning valuable tips and techniques from the best of the best.

With In The Spread, the inaccessibility of high-level instruction for the recreational and seasoned angler has ended. What this means is that both newcomers and seasoned anglers will benefit from the vast knowledge and methodical approach presented by the ITS team and others.

This will not be remotely similar to the typical fishing show or the "watch me catch fish" format we continue to see year after year. The “In The Spread” platform incorporates a broader perspective that highlights sharing experience and knowledge. From this you gain a deeper level confidence. We are providing information that helps catch fish. Nothing is held back. We are talking about the best of the best from the sport fishing world, fishermen who think outside the box, showing you what you need to know to catch more and bigger fish.

We are creating the most extensive and diverse sport fishing instructional video library in the world for both freshwater and saltwater.

In The Spread is your one-stop resource for sport fishing video learning and knowledge.