Cutting Strip Baits

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Instructor: James Baker
Categories: Saltwater , Bait Rigging

Strip baits are lethal simplicity in the water. There may be no other saltwater fishing bait that is more versatile. You can make them from dolphin, mackerel, skipjack, tuna or bonito. Bonito seem to be the best. This may be because you can catch bonito easily. Just head out to where bonito are commonly caught and drop a jig over to the bottom. Start cranking fast and bam you have one on. Now it is time to start cutting. This In The Spread fishing video will take you step by step through every detail of how to cut strip baits. Learn about the tools and other ingredients you need. We will show you which part of the bonito makes the best strips. See how to shave the meat down for ideal thickness and then shape your strips for optimal performance. Learn about the grain of the meat and how this has to be taken into consideration when shaping your strips. With this fishing video, you will be well on your way to cutting strip baits by yourself. There will be no need to buy anymore strips. Get the satisfaction of catching fish on baits you cut yourself. These baits offer so many options. You can troll them, skip them on the surface, drop them down in the water column with a planer or a down rigger. They are deadly for dolphin, mackerel, tuna, wahoo and billfish. Learn how to cut strip baits now.

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Cutting Strip Baits There may be no more lethal saltwater fishing bait than a strip bait. These fleshy strips are as simple as it gets. They are tough, durable, certainly not fancy and natural. The scent and texture are purely organic, something predators are used to. Dolphin, mackerel, skipjack and bonito are all great options for strip baits. Perhaps the best is bonito. The first thing you need to know is how to catch bonito. These ravenous fish are readily available just of the edge of the reefs. In south Florida, the 100-200 foot depth is bonito territory. They will hit jigs, spoons, cut bait, poppers or just about anything flashing through the water or splashing on the surface. They also make fun fishing action to get your day started. You can troll them on the surface raw or skirted. You can put them down in the water column behind a planer or put them on the bottom. Strip baits are amazing baits for catching dolphin, mackerel, tuna, wahoo and billfish. So, getting down to the business of how to cut strip baits, this In The Spread fishing video will show you the tools and ingredients required to cut and store your strips. You will learn what part of the bonito makes the best strips and how to cut away the excess meat to before starting with carving out nice strips. We will show you how to shape your strips and bevel the edges for optimal performance in the water. You will see which direction the grain of the meat should go in when shaping the strip, so it will not ball up once you start pulling it through the water. Learn about salting your strips and how to store them. Due to their size, you can store tons of these in your cooler or freezer for later use. When it comes to rigging strip baits, there are a myriad of ways to go about it, based on what your are fishing for. You can rig them with skirts, sea witches or lures. If you would like to know more about how to rig strip baits, check out our Rigging Strip Baits video [here]9 At In The Spread we always try and bring you the very best fishing intel, so you can spend more time catching fish and less time trying to figure stuff out. Go with good knowledge and fish smarter. [Bait Rigging Videos](

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