Planer Fishing Bait Rigs

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

Planer fishing rigs are fundamental to you success fishing nearshore waters in the summer. As the air temperature rises so does sea surface temperature. When this happens, the fish that you most after, like wahoo, mackerel and tuna, move deeper. If you are trolling baits on the surface, you are not catching as much as you could if your baits were running deeper. The planer allows you to get baits down in the water column where game fish are suspending. Knowing where the fish are means you need to know how to get baits down where they are. We are going to show you how planer fishing rigs are made. You will learn about the hooks, sea witches, fluorocarbon bite section, monofilament shock cord, in-line snap swivels and the actual planer. Just knowing how critical having several good quality snap swivels in your rig will save you plenty of time and frustration. You can throw money into that equation, also. In S. Florida, if you are fishing in 300 feet of water or shallower and not using planers, you are not doing much catching. Get down where the fish are with planers. There is a load of good fishing knowledge being shared in this short planer fishing video. We hope you can add some more value to your fishing program and head out with more confidence the next go around. Fish Smarter, Catch More.

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What are planer fishing rigs and why should you incorporate them into your tackle arsenal? What we present in this video is part of our planer fishing 101 approach to showing you what is actually happening when you use a fishing planer, what planers are and how the mechanics of how they work. If you are unfamiliar with what is happening in the water during the hot summer months, then you may not realize why it benefits you to fish with a planer?

During the months of the year when the air heats up, the water at the surface does, as well. As sea surface temperatures rise, fish drop down in the water column in search of cooler surroundings. When you start to understand why fish behave the way the do seasonally, you are well on your way to catching more. So, if the fish have moved deeper and you are dragging baits on the surface, you probably aren't catching much. Fishing planers allow you to get your bait off the surface and down where the fish are hanging out.

You will find a lot of fishermen doing the act of fishing and not actually catching fish. What? Dragging ballyhoo, strip baits or some other rigged bait on the surface behind your boat is just going thru the motions. All you are doing is pulling baits over fish and not by fish. Do you want to dive in and learn some great fishing techniques that will catch you fish? Learn about planer fishing rigs and what you need to get started catching more fish in the summer.

If you are fishing nearshore waters out to 300 feet in depth and not planer fishing, you may not be catching much in S. Florida. This video is going to take you to the next level. Be successful on the water. We are going to show you exactly what you need to make your own rigs and the mechanics of how planers work.

Planer Fishing Rigs 1. The hook set 2. Mylar sea witches 3. Fluorocarbon bite section or wire, if you desire 4. Monofilament shock cord 5. Snap swivels 6. The planer

Learn what planers look like in the set position and the dynamics of what happens when you get a bite. It's all really pretty simple. Once you see it, you will understand. One interesting fishing tip you will get from watching is how your trolling speed effects the depth the planers run. The slower you troll planers, the deeper they will go. The faster your planers are trolled, the more they rise in the water. This will help when you mark fish on your sounder and want to get baits to a specific depth.

Another valuable bit of fishing knowledge you will learn about is the different sizes of planers and which you may want to have on your boat. If you are just starting out planer fishing, the No. 3 planer is a great one to start with. After you get comfortable using this size, you can venture into using larger sizes.

We hope this tutorial on planer fishing rigs and the what is happening in the water when you troll them helps you fish smarter and catch more fish.

Watch more Planer Fishing Techniques related to planer fishing.

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