Saltwater Trolling Planers for Small Boats

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

When it comes to fishing from a small boat or a center console, which the vast majority of fishermen fish from, being able to efficiently utilize saltwater fishing planers is a must. When trolling nearshore waters, planer fishing can be the difference between catching and driving around, especially during the hot summer months. Learn the basics of planer fishing with this powerful instructional video. Well known south Florida fishermen RJ Boyle spent years running planers behind the boats he was fishing. His technique is refined and simple to implement. He will show you exactly what you need to know for a small boat planer fishing setup. Learn about the importance of having a clutter free boat and the gear you will need handy prior to fishing. Gaffs, de-hookers, gloves and your bait box with strip baits should be positioned and ready to access. See what size planers you should run for your long lines and your short lines. You will get detailed information on planer fishing rigs, bait, leaders and all connections. Knowing which line you should deploy first and why is critical. One area where fishermen struggle is with engaging and disengaging the fishing planers. RJ will show you a few simple techniques for doing this that will make your fishing go a heck of a lot smoother. Once you see how to put out the first line, you will learn key factors in putting out the second. This is where things can go wrong, if you don't follow very important steps. Your long line always goes out first. Once it is out, you need to steer the boat in the opposite direction as the second rod. This will ensure you do not tangle your lines. Knowing the basics of setting up your spread of saltwater trolling planers is a valuable bit of fishing knowledge. Master this and you will be catching when others aren't.

Description / Review / Instructor

Basics of Saltwater Trolling Planners for Small Boat When it comes to understanding saltwater trolling planers and the setup for center console boats, a solid recommendation is to take a simple approach. Do not overcomplicate the process. Your tackle, baits and bait rig needs are super manageable. With this planer fishing video featuring RJ Boyle, you will learn how simple it really is to deploy trolling planers. A good rule of thumb is to start with a clean well organized boat. Get the clutter off the deck. This allows for ease of movement for anglers and ease of access to your bait box, gaffs and de-hookers. You will need two different sizes of saltwater trolling planers. For the long line, a small number 3 or 4 planer is all you need. For the short line, a bigger number 6 or 8 planer works wonders. Before you start dropping your lines and planers into the water, be sure to communicate your every step with the boat driver. The last thing you need to get the lines all fetched up before you get the day started. So, make sure the driver is headed on a straight course before the first line goes in. You should start by putting your long line out first. Get it all the way out and engage the planer prior to you are anyone else dropping the short line in. Be smart about deploying your fishing planers. RJ will demonstrate how to fish with planers in a methodical way. He will show you how to put the baits out and set the first planer before moving to next. You will only be using two planers, a long and short. One thing to pay close attention to is how he shows you ways to engage and disengage or trip the saltwater fishing planers. This can be hard for fishermen, so knowing his nifty technique will save you a lot of headaches. Be sure to also consider how to engage the drag, so as not to foul your setup. You should start with your long line. Once your long planer is engaged and tracking, it is time to deploy the short. This is where things can get tangled up, if you don't pay close attention. You can easily cross your long line with you short if you do not drive the boat the right way. With your long out, turn the boat in the opposite direction or away from the second rod. If your second rod is on the starboard (right side if looking to the stern) side, move the boat in a gradual turn to the port (left) side. This will prevent the lines from crossing and getting tangled. You will see exactly how to do this in this planer fishing video. Keep in mind, we are demonstrating the basics of planer fishing. Once you have this process down, you are well on your way to catching a lot more fish. Watch more Planer Fishing and [Saltwater Fishing Techniques Videos](

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