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trolling planer

  • 2020, Trolling Planers for Big Boat Driving

    When trolling with planers behind a big boat or sport yacht, you really need to understand the relationship between your speed over ground, what the current does to your speed and how best to manage your planers when making a turn to get back on a school of fish. Let's say you are trolling with the current when you start getting good sounder markings or you get a bite. What is the best course for turning back to cover that patch of water again? Your first thought has to be how do you accommodate the long planer. You also have to consider the fact that as you make a turn into the current, your relative boat speed will slow. You may need to bump up your rpm level to maintain that same speed. How fast where you going when you got that bite? How deep are the fish you are marking? These are important considerations for the boat driver when trolling with planers. So, if you mark fish and need to turn back, be sure that you keep the long planer on the outside of your turn. The interesting insights shared in this planer fishing video are good food for thought. You really need to think about what is discussed here and try and apply it as you start your day trolling with planers. Everyday is different. One day the fish may be more triggered to bite a bait moving a little faster and the next it may be at a slightly slower speed. The fish will not always be at the same depth, so you don't want to drag baits over their heads. Use your electronics to measure where the fish and get baits down to them, at the speed required to trigger bites. Fish smarter and catch more.

  • 2020, Trolling Planers - Driving Center Consoles

    One of the more important fishing skills to master for trolling with planers is how to drive the boat while hooked up to a fish. If your boat driver does not handle the boat in the right way, your chances of losing a fish are greatly increased. The first fundamental principle to master is to never take the boat out of gear. You need to continue moving your boat forward, at all times. This helps keep pressure on the fish. Many of the toothy fish you will encounter while trolling with planers, like wahoo and mackerel, have a strong proclivity to race towards the boat upon hook up. If you slow the boat, you could get cut off. So, just keep the boat in gear. You can even bump the throttles up, if that helps you to keep pulling the fish. Another key principle is how you turn the boat as you reel the fish in. The driver needs to focus on not tangling the line hooked to the fish with the other planer line. Keep in mind, you do not want to reel in the other planer. You want to leave that planer out, in hopes of catching another fish. Once the fish you have hooked is coming in, you will want to turn the boat to create a clean water lane. This is a very gradual turn. We will show you how to do this in the video. When the planer comes up, you will want to start a slow turn in the opposite direction. Which way should you turn and how fast is very important. You will see precisely what to do in this short video. Driving a center console while trolling with planers does not have to be difficult. Executed the right way, you will be catching loads more fish with unbelievable ease. Take your time and make sure the boat driver is handling the boat correctly. Be methodical and communicate. Mastering the fundamentals of boat driving is super easy. Enjoy and put these tips for trolling with planers to good use.

  • 2020, Saltwater Trolling Planers for Big Boats

    Learning fishing techniques for saltwater trolling planers from fishermen that run them all the time is a boon to your fishing skills. This planer fishing video covers some basic concepts for running planers behind a big boat. South Florida fishing great, Capt. Mark Danley, shares some key pointers on how to drop lines back without getting them tangled, how to know if they are running the correct way, how to easily engage planers, the proper use of drag and a few additional salient points. Mark goes into a lot of detail on engaging planers and how to recognize the bite. Since planers require a lot of drag to keep them in place, the rod will be bent over the entire time. Knowing when you get a bite and how that looks is key to you success. One of the more valuable bits of information deals with how to drop back your short line without tangling it up with your long. This is where many fishermen run afoul and end up having a very frustrating day. There are important considerations for driving the boat to be learned. Watch this video and you will eliminate many of the headaches that can come along with running saltwater trolling planers. We try to make this easy for you, so you can concentrate on catching fish and not messing with your gear. Good luck.

  • 2020, Saltwater Trolling Planers for Small Boats

    When it comes to fishing from a small boat or a center console, which the vast majority of fishermen fish from, being able to efficiently utilize saltwater fishing planers is a must. When trolling nearshore waters, planer fishing can be the difference between catching and driving around, especially during the hot summer months. Learn the basics of planer fishing with this powerful instructional video. Well known south Florida fishermen RJ Boyle spent years running planers behind the boats he was fishing. His technique is refined and simple to implement. He will show you exactly what you need to know for a small boat planer fishing setup. Learn about the importance of having a clutter free boat and the gear you will need handy prior to fishing. Gaffs, de-hookers, gloves and your bait box with strip baits should be positioned and ready to access. See what size planers you should run for your long lines and your short lines. You will get detailed information on planer fishing rigs, bait, leaders and all connections. Knowing which line you should deploy first and why is critical. One area where fishermen struggle is with engaging and disengaging the fishing planers. RJ will show you a few simple techniques for doing this that will make your fishing go a heck of a lot smoother. Once you see how to put out the first line, you will learn key factors in putting out the second. This is where things can go wrong, if you don't follow very important steps. Your long line always goes out first. Once it is out, you need to steer the boat in the opposite direction as the second rod. This will ensure you do not tangle your lines. Knowing the basics of setting up your spread of saltwater trolling planers is a valuable bit of fishing knowledge. Master this and you will be catching when others aren't.

  • Offshore Fishing with a Trolling Planer

    2018, Planer Fishing Fundamentals

    When the air temperatures of summer start to rise heating up the water near the oceans surface, what do fish do? They move down in the water column. How do you reach them? For saltwater fishing applications, one of the best ways to get baits down to where the fish are is with a fishing planer. In coastal waters where the reefs exist, if you are trolling baits on or near the surface and not getting bites, it's time to try other fishing techniques. Planers open up another realm. What we do in this In The Spread fishing video is give you fishing planer setups for bit boats and small boats. We will cove the tackle, rods, reels, fishing rigs, tactics and related fishing techniques to run planers. You will learn why planer fishing can make your day. Our instructors, RJ Boyle and Mark Danley, will share their knowledge and experience on how to catch fish with planers. You will learn about the various sizes of planers, how to make the rig, the hooks you need, squid skirts and sea witches used to cover your bait. One of the best baits you can use for this type of fishing is a strip bait. We will cover bonito, mullet, squid and plastic strips. You will learn how to hook strip baits with both single and double hook rigs. The mechanics of how planers perform underwater and the proper way to set up your spread will be shown to you. We will cover the planer fishing rig in detail and then demonstrate how to deploy them for optimal performance. You will learn how to stagger you planers, so they do not tangle when you make a turn in your boat. These fishing tips will give you a huge head start. When it comes to a fishing planer, you can use them to target kingfish, grouper, wahoo and even sailfish. Commercial kingfish operations have been using them with great success for years. Learn why you should use them, how to use them and all the tackle you need to make it happen. You will always fish smarter when you have the right knowledge.
