Inlet Fishing for Snook Fish

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Snook are one of the most prized inshore fish. The challenge is getting them to eat, at times. You can put baits or lures right on their heads and they won't move. What is it that triggers snook fish to eat? We have answers for you. This In The Spread fishing video focuses on fishing inlets. The Florida coast line is loaded with excellent inlets, which in turn offer great fishing. You just need to know when to go and how best to fish snook in these passages. We are going to show you how to catch snook in inlets. The snook fish is a highly sought after saltwater fishing species and one that is closely regulated in Florida. If you are going to target robalo fish in the state, you better know the Florida snook season, slot and bag limits. The FWC does not play around with anglers that run afoul of the laws. Snook love inlets because they serve as choke points for bait fish being pushed in and out with the tides. This makes a great area for these elusive predators to ambush other fish. The questions are when is the best time to go, what are the best baits and tactics? You also have to consider the safety issues with running a boat in inlets where heavy volumes of water are moving in and out. Our instructors will show you how to safely operate your boat and explain the best times to fish for snook, based on seasons and tides. They will also break down all the tackle, line, leaders, rigs, baits and fishing techniques you need to wrangle big inlet snook.

Description / Review / Instructor

Snook fish fishing Florida is a broad and challenging subject and the discussion would not be complete without covering inlets. These are obvious choke points for tidal movements forcing bait in and out of coastal channels based on whether the tide is incoming or outgoing. In The Spread takes you to a super productive inlet to share knowledge on how to better target these predatory game fish. The ITS team has been snook fishing Florida waterways for years and he has a real talent for understanding their behavior and hooking up with monsters. If you want to know more about how to catch snook, the tackle, tides, baits, line, leaders, rigs, tactics and more, this is the video for you. Inlet snook fishing presents some clear dangers as there will be huge amounts of water moving in and out of a small relative area. There can also be several boats working the inlet at the same time. Keep safety in mind at all times. Be aware of where you are relative to the jetty, shore and other boats. Wear life jackets and have any other safety equipment ready to deploy, if necessary. The first challenge you are going to have is how to set up. Should you drift or anchor up? Remember, these predators will move in or out of the inlet as the tide changes. As a result, you may have to move your boat to take full advantage of where the snook fish will situate themselves. Sometimes you benefit more from drifting. Learn why and how to work your drift. Other times, you can anchor and pound an specific structure. We cover tackle in-depth, so you know what to use and why. You hook choices will vary based on the the bait fish you are using. You may tangle with big fish in inlets, so use the right leader. To assemble your snook fishing rigs, you need to use the ideal weight and swivel size. Let us show you what to use and how to put them together in this video. When fighting robalo, you need to keep your drag tight and be mindful of the motors, power poles, rocks and other boats. Snook will change directions a lot, so be ready to move around the boat or move the boat if someone else is anchored up near you, to prevent break offs. Florida inlets offer some of the most dynamic snook fishing you can encounter. Learn from a truly exceptional fisherman and accelerate your learning curve. Let In The Spread help you catch more fish. [Snook Fishing Videos]( [BUY DVD Here](

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