Dredges and Teasers for Sailfish with Squidnation

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Instructor: Bill Pino

Fishing with dredges is the gold standard for teams that are winning billfish tournaments around the world. You really should know as much as you can about this type of offshore fishing for sailfish and marlin, if you are interested in billfishing. One of the fishing industry leaders in the development of dredges and dredge teasers is Squidnation. Bill Pino, owner of Squidnation, is at the tip of the spear when it comes to innovation and product development. He is also an excellent angler. If there is one guy that you would want to learn from about dredge fishing, it is Bill. This In The Spread fishing video features Bill discussing dredges and teasers for sailfish. There is always more to learn. You learning should never end. Go with knowledge and fish smarter.

Description / Review / Instructor

Dredge fishing revolutionized the way we fish for marlin and sailfish, in the tournament environment. If you are not pulling dredges, you are probably not in the discussion. The whole idea behind dredge fishing is the act and the art of simulating a fleeing bait school. While all the components and tackle you need to do this can seem a daunting task to master, it really is straight forward. One of the guys that is leading the industry in design, development and use of dredges and dredge teasers is Bill Pino. Bill Pino is the owner and brain trust of Squidnation. Bill is a charger. He never stops fishing and innovating. He listens. Most inportantly he listens to and fishes with some of the best fishing teams from around the world, to drive product development and build brand awareness. The feedback loop is at the bleeding edge. For posterity, there are not many conversations about dredges, dredge fishing or dredge teasers that do not involve Bill Pino an Squidnation. We had the chance to talk to Bill about his exploits fishing Central America, so here you go. This In The Spread Dredges and Teasers for Sailfish video is your entry into the world of Bill Pino just after winning the El Salvador International Bill Tournament, for the eleventy billionth time. We discuss with Bill his dredge fishing setup for sailfish in Central America and what he is seeing in terms of teaser usage. Learn how Bill and his teams win billfish tournaments year after year, with the insight he shares in this video. His thoughts on baiting strategies is refined. There is a lot to learn by just listening to his analysis of what is going on when a sailfish enters the spread. See is all in action. Watch Bill Pino demonstrate how to set up a dredge for sailfish, for his teams program. It is a winning combination. Bill Pino is at the top of the dredge fishing game. His flippy floppy is a killer and a must have for any sailfishing boat. It was a treat to be able to sit and discuss this style of fishing with a master. Keep grinding and never stop learning. [Sailfish Fishing Videos](https://inthespread.com/sailfish-fishing-videos) [BUY DVD Here](https://www.amazon.com/Sailfish-Dredges-Teasers-Bill-Pino/dp/B077PL3R5S/ref=sr_1_15?m=A32B7NAN75VEV7&s=merchant-items&ie=UTF8&qid=1539301159&sr=1-15)

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