Trolling for Blue Marlin - Kevin Hibbard

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Instructor: Kevin Hibbard

Kevin Hibbard is here to share his wisdom on what to look for when heading out to the marlin fishing grounds for a day of trolling. Fish places you have confidence in, where you know marlin should be. Listen as Kevin explains how he uses water temperature, currents, bait schools and other data points to zero in on patches of water that should be productive. Tuna and porpoises offer great signs. You just have to know how to interpret what they are telling you. Learn how marlin positions themselves relative to schools and how to troll those areas. Like most fish, marlin will be where the food is holding. Kevin gives a great explanation on how to troll structure. He shares insightful trolling tactics based on whether the current is running in or out. A little bit of well vetted information can go a long way to helping you with your marlin fishing. Even though Kevin comes at this discussion from the perspective of fishing giant seamounts, you can easily take what he is sharing and apply it to you own fishery. Open you mind to what he is saying. There is a darn good reason Kevin Hibbard is considered on of the best marlin fishing captains in the world.

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Captain Kevin Hibbard, of Kona, Hawaii, has built a reputation for catching big marlin all over the world. In this marlin fishing video, Kevin shares some incredibly useful information that you can add to your own knowledge base about trolling. His perspective for this conversation relates to trolling the calm waters of Kona, but you can take the points he makes and just as easily apply to your own fishery. There is so much valuable information on offshore trolling for marlin, tuna, mahi mahi and wahoo to extrapolate from what he is sharing. Keep in mind, his focus is on marlin fishing by means of trolling. Fishing Kona is really different than most other places. From Kevin's vantage point, this is simple marlin fishing. Four lures, no extra teasers in the water, fishing the giant seamount that is Hawaii make up the controls in his program. The biggest decision Kevin makes when heading out is which way he heads out of the marina. He has his confidence spots and the intel on where fish were biting the day before. What you learn from all of this is how he goes about making the determination about where to go. You have a real opportunity to learn from one of the best marlin fishing captains in the world. Kevin will take you through his approach to fishing seamounts, the data he uses to locate hotspots. Satellite data can be handy, like water temperature and currents. You need to know the direction of the currents to properly fish structure. In this case, the structure is the island and surrounding bathymetry. If you listen closely to what Kevin is talking about, you can go anywhere in the world and fish smarter. You will get a clear explanation of how baits and birds provide tell tale signs of marlin in the area. The activity of tuna and understanding what they are doing can be super helpful. It is very insightful listening to Kevin talk about how marlin position themselves relative to a school of tuna and porpoises. Marlin fishing open water and marlin fishing structure, especially outposts in the middle of the ocean, like Hawaii, Cape Verde, the Azores or Madeira requires a deft hand. I think you will find this section of the video of extreme interest. How the current impacts the island and your approach to running trolling patterns should be based on sound fundamentals. You have to know where the bait is going to be, based on the current. Kevin Hibbard is a savvy marlin fishing captain. There is so much to learn from listening to his philosophy on pursuing big fish. This video is packed with wisdom. Take your time with it. Try to imagine how what he is saying applies to your own fishery. Fish smarter, watch other [Marlin Fishing Videos]( Fish with Capt Kevin Hibbard aboard the [2nd Offense]( in Kona, Hawaii

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Kevin Hibbard

Captain Kevin Hibbard, born on June 4th, 1972, is a testament to the exhilarating allure of the sea's vast bounty. Hailing from St. Augustine, Florida, Hibbard moved to the Big Island of Hawaii in January 1995, lured by the siren call of the Blue Marlin that inhabit the Pacific waters. From that moment on, Hibbard's life became an odyssey of pursuit, a quest for the world's largest fish that took him far beyond Hawaii's serene shores.

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