Boat Driving Skills for Blue Marlin Fishing - Kevin Hibbard

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Instructor: Kevin Hibbard

Capt. Kevin Hibbard of Kona, Hawaii shares his thoughts on handling the boat while hooked up to a blue marlin. Kevin has been marlin fishing all over the world. He has worked with and for the some of the best fishermen anyone could ever fish with. His knowledge runs deep and he is here to share it with you. Learn why the better marlin fishing crews run a simple spread. There is nothing in the way to hinder getting on fish a quick as possible. The more lures, dredges, mudflaps or other gear you have in the water, the longer it takes to clear a path to the fish. We are talking big fish hunting with Kevin and how best to run the boat, while hooked up. Watch and learn about his spread setup, how line class impacts fish behavior, drag physics and how you can use the current to your advantage during the battle. Kevin Hibbard is super easy going, a great dude and one of the best teachers you could ever have the pleasure of learning from about boat driving while marlin fishing.

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There may be nothing more important in marlin fishing than boat driving. Captain Kevin Hibbard, of Kona, Hawaii, knows a thing or two about driving on big fish. He has fished just about every major marlin fishing hotspot and has worked with or knows well many of the most respected big game captains in the world. For Kevin, the real skill in boating big fish comes down to how you handle the boat while hooked up. It is paramount, when fishing waters that hold big fish, that you keep it simple. What does keeping it simple mean, when marlin fishing? Kevin Hibbard is here to share his experience and keen insights on how to get on top of fish quickly, so you have a better shot at releasing or boating that fish of a lifetime. You will learn from Kevin why he does not use dredges, mudflaps or even a high line or shotgun lure. If you can eliminate as many things as possible that can complicate your ability to get on top o a fish, you will be far better served. Of all the things that good blue marlin fishing skippers must contend with, boat driving ranks as one of the more important. More marlin have probably been lost due to poor boat handling skills than anything else. Things like your tackle, hooks, line, rollers and boat setup are all well within your control. Let's be serious. Terminal failures are just unacceptable. So, if you have your boat setup and tackle taken care of, all that is left is sound boat driving. As you progress in your marlin fishing, you being to understand fish behavior more and more. The part that Kevin discusses with you is being prepared for what might happen. Granted, nothing is for sure, because blue marlin, especially big blues, are prone to do all sorts of crazy things, while attached to the end of your line. Just remember the number one rule, which is keep the fight close. What you will learn in this marlin fishing video about drag is canon. Pay close attention to what Kevin is talking about, when he shares his views on how fish behave with different line classes and the amount of drag applied. Also, understanding how the direction from which the line is pulling effects fish behavior is critical. Getting on top of a fish with expedience is the name of the game. Captain Kevin Hibbard is giving you the basic play book for boat driving while hooked up. He has the experience and knowledge to help you become a smarter boat operator, so take advantage of what he is sharing. Watch other [Marlin Fishing Videos]( Fish with Capt Kevin Hibbard aboard the [2nd Offense]( in Kona, Hawaii

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Kevin Hibbard

Captain Kevin Hibbard, born on June 4th, 1972, is a testament to the exhilarating allure of the sea's vast bounty. Hailing from St. Augustine, Florida, Hibbard moved to the Big Island of Hawaii in January 1995, lured by the siren call of the Blue Marlin that inhabit the Pacific waters. From that moment on, Hibbard's life became an odyssey of pursuit, a quest for the world's largest fish that took him far beyond Hawaii's serene shores.

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