Basic Cobia Fishing Baits and Lures

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Instructor: Brian Sanders
Categories: Saltwater , Cobia

Learn how to catch cobia with this In The Spread fishing video. Lifelong south Florida fisherman Capt. Brian Sanders will share his knowledge and experience on what he considers the best cobia fishing baits and lures. He will also discuss fishing tips on how to setup on a wreck and helpful tactics for getting cobia fish away from the wreck or structure, to prevent the fish from getting you snagged on structure. Cobia fishing around wrecks, bottom structure and pilings requires a keen eye to spot the fish when they pop up to the surface. This is sight fishing. Typically, cobia are a curious fish, so they will investigate most baits and lures thrown in their vicinity. Knowing a few of the baits and lures that are really productive for cobia will help you catch more fish.

Description / Review / Instructor

This In The Spread cobia fishing video features Okeechobee, Florida legend Capt. Brian Sanders. Don't let his ego scare you off. He is extremely knowledgable and efficient with his fishing. You can learn a lot from what he shares here. For Brian, locating cobia fish involves scouting known structure and wrecks. You just have to be stealthy with how you approach these spots. You don't want to scare them and have them seek refuge in whatever structure they are relating to. Given you careful stalking of the location, you can prospect with assorted baits and lures. This is the kind of commotion cobia fish cannot ignore. They will let their curiosity draw them out and this is where you can spot them. From here, you are sight casting. Learn how with this instructional fishing video. Brian Sanders is going to give his take on what baits and lures he finds most productive and the particular techniques he uses to trigger bites. If you want to know more about how to catch cobia, this is a great primer for you. You have to be ready with your rod, ready to cast. Once these fish appear, you need to present cobia lures quickly. Do not wait for them to show up. Get your cobia rig ready prior to moving in on the structure. Have your setup ready to go in a rod holder or have an angler standing by to cast. Take what is shared in this fishing video and add it to your base of cobia fishing knowledge. As long as you hit the water with fundamentally sound intel, you will succeed. Fish smarter.

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User Reviews

Brendan Morris 04.09.2023

Good work

Mark 08.09.2019


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