Trophy Flathead Catfish - Fall Transition

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Instructor: Scott Manning

When you start down the road of selectively targeting giant catfish, the change of seasons is a time when you should be fishing. As fall creeps in and summer begins to fade, the water starts cooling. Everything at depth begins to churn. This kicks of a metabolic change in freshwater apex predator behavior. For flathead catfish, this window of time just after the first cold front is when the gourge begins. They are like bears preparing for hibernation. The bigger flathead catfish will be more aggressive, as they fatten up. Captain Scott Manning is a giant catfish professional. I am not just saying that. He is recognized as a guide that puts huge fish in his boat all year. The Tennessee River system, where he is fishes, has some monsters swimming around. They are there and can be caught. Having the instincts and skill Scott possesses could give you a significant edge in your quest for a trophy flathead catfish. Scott has filmed a few videos with In The Spread and if you have watched any of them or know him, you will realize his genius is in the simplicty with which he operates his program. If you want to know how to catch catfish, I mean nice ones, watch and learn from one of the best. Generally, this is not that comlicated. It is the finer details that will define your success and those are what you need to pay attention to, as Scott lays out his approach to targeting big fish. You will learn location identification, how to know which side of the channel to fish, boat positioning, catfish bait, catfish rigs and the all important use of your electronics and your mindset. These last two items is where most anglers fail. What do I mean by mindset? It is how your read the data on your bottom machine, what you do with that intel and how long you will invest in what you are being told. Esoteric? Maybe, but watch Scott as he breaks these concepts down. The fishermen that excel at catching giant catfish are the ones you want to listen to and learn from. There knowledge comes from experience. Experience accumulated as much from not catching the big one as from baiting and boating beasts. We work with Scott Manning because he is a great fisherman with a unique ability to articulate his thoughts in a very simple way. You get depth and breadth of knowledge. Learn from one the best catfish anglers and fish smarter.

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The transition from summer to fall carries with it some excellent opportunities to put a trophy flathead catfish in your boat. Catfishing this time of year finds the fish starting to move out of deep water in search of warmth. Really big flathead catfish will put the feed bag on, as they bulk up for colder water. What we cover in this In The Spread fishing video is the period following the first cold front of the year and how to selectively target flathead catfish that are considered donkeys. Water temperature at the surface has fallen a few degrees and the air temperature is noticeably more comfortable. The water on the bottom will also start to change. This cooling transition is what triggers big flatheads to start chubbing up for winter. Everything in the ecosystem is in flux. This initial bump in feeding behavior is a great time to giant catfish. If you are not familiar with Capt. Scott Manning, his reputation is that of a big fish wrangler. Scott is one of the best and someone I refer to as the “mechanic”. The guy does work and makes it look easy. He widely is recognized throughout the catfishing world as a fisherman that boats trophy catfish year round. Blue catfish and flathead catfish are what he focuses on, with flatheads being his favorite. If you want to know how to fish for catfish in the trophy fish category, Scott provides an outstanding source of knowledge to draw from. His program is super simple and something you can easily incorporate into your own fishing system. What Scott Manning is going to do for you in this catfishing video is share his entire approach to fishing the fall transition for giant catfish. Where are they, what are they doing, how to locate good structure, how do you trigger bites, how long do you stay on a spot, when should you move, how important are your electronics are all questions Scott addresses. Flathead catfish are deep water fish that love structure. They love to ambush the bait that holds to structure. If you have a few waypoints that indicate nice relief, you are ahead of the crowd. If you are not so lucky, you will need to spend the time learning from other or do the recon yourself. Analyzing maps can give you a good head start. Watch your bottom machine as you drift channels, feeder points and confluences areas. When you find dips, bowls, rock piles, ledges, boulder fields or old timber, mark these spots. It is a good bet that you will find flathead catfish holding to those areas of relief. You can actually see fish on your machine. The use of your electronics is something you really need to understand. Scott will show you what to look for. Once you have spots you want to fish, it's time to get your boat in the right position. How should you setup on your spot to put your baits in the zone? Scott will explain for you how he likes to position his boat, relative to the structure. Being is the right spot is critical. If you are off by just a few feet, you are out of the game. Since fishing for flathead catfish is mostly a deep water endeavor, you really do not want to drop and anchor. Spot lock is the way to proceed. Nothing would ruin your day more than to see your rod double over only to have the fish get wrapped up in your anchor line. Use your trolling motor to hold you in place. Before you start dropping catfish bait, be sure you have the right equipment for the task at hand. Scott has a definite preferences for bait and tackle. See what rods and reels he likes. What is the best size bait to use for big fish and how much do you need? Find out. You will learn about two different catfish rigs and each has their place. The way you hook your catfish bait is huge. Get it wrong and you will not hook up. Having your bait at the right depth is key, as well. You want to be near the bottom, but not on the bottom. Scott will share with you why this is important, when targeting giant catfish. Ok, you have identified good locations, you have the requisite tackle, your catfish baits are quality and you are ready to drop. Hold on. Have you taken the time to see what is going on under the water. Is there activity? Are you seeing an active food chain? If there is no activity, you best move to the next spot. Using your electronics to paramount. Do not waste your time. Captain Scott Manning maintains the two biggest mistakes anglers make is not using their electronics and not being patient. I have fished with Scott several times and what he is telling you is so true. I have seen it time and again. Are you seeing fish on your down imaging? This is key. Scott will show you on his machine what he is looking for, so you will know what to focus in on when using your own device. With good action comes the more difficult part. Waiting. Ugh. How long? You really have to have the right mindset for trophy fishing. If you want to catch giant catfish, it takes time. You may have to sit on a good spot all day to get that one bite. That's right. I once sat on a spot for 8 hours with Scott, because everything looked great. Just when we were ready to pack it in, the damn rod nearly broke before I could get it out of the rod holder. So, settle in. If it is that one bite from a beast that you are after, pay close attention to what Scott is sharing. This fishing video takes you through the entire process of how to catch catfish that are well in excess of 40 pounds. This transition period and few weeks after the first cold front are excellent for huge flathead catfish. They are biologically wired to increase their feeding this time of year. Use what we provide in here to get out there and bag a monster. When you learn from one of the best, you get the best knowledge. The smarter you are in your fishing, the more success you will experience. [Catfish Fishing Videos]( [Fish with Scott Manning](

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Scott Manning

In the verdant heartland of East Tennessee, where the Clinch and Tennessee Rivers carve their serpentine paths through the Appalachian foothills, a man named Scott Manning has made a name for himself as a master angler and a steward of the waterways. A U.S. Military veteran, Manning has parlayed his love for the outdoors into a successful career as a professional fishing guide, specializing in the pursuit of trophy Stripers and Monster Catfish. His company, Tennessee River Monsters, stands as a testament to his dedication and expertise, a beacon for those seeking the thrill of the catch in the heart of America's freshwater frontier.

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