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scott manning

  • Targeting Trophy Flathead Catfish

    2019, Trophy Flathead Catfish - Fall Transition

    When you start down the road of selectively targeting giant catfish, the change of seasons is a time when you should be fishing. As fall creeps in and summer begins to fade, the water starts cooling. Everything at depth begins to churn. This kicks of a metabolic change in freshwater apex predator behavior. For flathead catfish, this window of time just after the first cold front is when the gourge begins. They are like bears preparing for hibernation. The bigger flathead catfish will be more aggressive, as they fatten up. Captain Scott Manning is a giant catfish professional. I am not just saying that. He is recognized as a guide that puts huge fish in his boat all year. The Tennessee River system, where he is fishes, has some monsters swimming around. They are there and can be caught. Having the instincts and skill Scott possesses could give you a significant edge in your quest for a trophy flathead catfish. Scott has filmed a few videos with In The Spread and if you have watched any of them or know him, you will realize his genius is in the simplicty with which he operates his program. If you want to know how to catch catfish, I mean nice ones, watch and learn from one of the best. Generally, this is not that comlicated. It is the finer details that will define your success and those are what you need to pay attention to, as Scott lays out his approach to targeting big fish. You will learn location identification, how to know which side of the channel to fish, boat positioning, catfish bait, catfish rigs and the all important use of your electronics and your mindset. These last two items is where most anglers fail. What do I mean by mindset? It is how your read the data on your bottom machine, what you do with that intel and how long you will invest in what you are being told. Esoteric? Maybe, but watch Scott as he breaks these concepts down. The fishermen that excel at catching giant catfish are the ones you want to listen to and learn from. There knowledge comes from experience. Experience accumulated as much from not catching the big one as from baiting and boating beasts. We work with Scott Manning because he is a great fisherman with a unique ability to articulate his thoughts in a very simple way. You get depth and breadth of knowledge. Learn from one the best catfish anglers and fish smarter.

  • 2019, How to Catch Flathead Catfish

    If you want to learn how to fish for catfish, Capt. Scott Manning is one of the very best fishermen in North America to learn from. We are specifically talking about how to catch flathead catfish. This is not just about catching random fish. This In The Spread fishing video is focused on targeting giant flathead catfish. Scott has the benefit of fishing year round in Tennessee River system. These waters hold some seriously big fish and Scott Manning is dialed in on just how to catch them. Targeting bigger cats is not that difficult, it just requires a lot of patience and a few need to follow cat fishing techniques. Scott is going to show you his program. See how he utilizes his electronics to make decisions about where to fish and how long to stay on a spot. Learn how to pinpoint the transition areas that hold bigger fish, what depths he likes, his catfish rig, what he thinks are the best catfish baits, how to eliminate smaller fish, the tackle he suggest you use and loads more. This video will teach you how to selectively target hogs and wait them out to catch that fish of a lifetime. These are high level flathead catfishing techniques. We always try to bring you the very best fishermen sharing their knowledge and experience, so you can accelerate your learning curve and get to catching big fish. Learn from the best and fish smarter.

  • Catfishing Best Techniques

    2018, Blue Catfish - Best Techniques

    There are a few places in North America that hold giant catfish. The Tennessee River system is one of those fisheries. Capt. Scott Manning has made catfishing one of his specialities. Targeting giant blue catfish and flathead catfish is right in his wheelhouse. This In The Spread video features Scott sharing his catfishing techniques geared for drag, drift and anchor fishing. If you want to learn more about how to catch big cats, Scott is sharing his knowledge and experience for your fishing benefit. Learn about how to locate areas that hold big fish, his best catfish bait, boat driving, how he utilizes the catfish demon dragon lure, how he sets up his spread. See how Scott Manning uses the current to both locate fish and set up his drifts. You are going to get intel on tackle, hooks, rigs and deep philosophies. Scott is a humble fishermen with an unassuming demeanor. But, he is a fishing ninja. The guy catches big fish year in and year out. You can learn a heck of lot from the ways he fishes and take your program to another level. We are honored to have Scott as one of our instructors. Learn from the best and fish smarter.
