Sight Casting for Black Drum Fish

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Instructor: Ruben Lee

The upper Florida Keys make for excellent flats fishing. Having a little intel on where to go and what to look for is important. You need to have an objective before heading out and be geared up to handle your target species and any other that may present themselves. One of the cooler species to target is the black drum. These guys are not the easiest to get to eat, but when you do, it is game on. In The Spread instructor Ruben Lee is an old school guide with deep knowledge of keys fishing and how to succeed. He is going to share some great insights on how to sight cast to black drum in skinny waters. Black drum fishing on the flats can be tricky. Spotting these fish is your first challenge. The figuring our whether they are feeding and where to place your presentation is the next. Ruben will show you everything you need to know for a fun filled day of sight casting black drum. Learn what tides are best to fish, the atmospheric conditions that work in your favor and the baits that will give you a leg up. Learn pro level tips and fishing techniques from a lifelong keys fisherman.

Description / Review / Instructor

Is there anything more exciting than sight casting to fish in skinny water? While this type of saltwater fishing is not one of the easier fishing endeavors, it ranks near the top for thrill. Spotting black drum on the flats takes a keen eye. If you want to know how to catch black drum on the flats, join super experienced old school Florida Keys fishing guide Ruben Lee as he shares light tackle inshore fishing tactics for casting to fish. Ruben goes into great detail to demonstrate how to successfully targets black drum on the flats. He discusses and demonstrates fishing tips on how to fish the flats, locate black drum in skinny water, how to determine whether they are feeding, what bait works, positioning your bait in their path, the requisite tackle, tides and conditions, plus so much more. Fishing the flats in the Florida Keys takes a certain level of knowledge that we intend to share with you. We will explain which end of the flat to start fishing on, based on where the sun is and which way the wind is blowing. Learn how to spot fish. What do you look for? This species has eyes positioned in such a way that they spend a lot of time looking down nosing around on the bottom in search of bait food. Getting them to eat your bait can be a challenge, so you really have to be able to cast your bait with accuracy to put in their meandering path, without spooking them. Natural bait is the way to go. See what type works best and why. [Black Drum Fishing Videos]( [BUY DVD Here](

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