Nighttime Tarpon Fishing South Florida

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Instructor: Seth Horne

Big tarpon fishing present enough challenges in the daytime. Targeting tarpon fish at night is both a thrill and real test of your angling skills. You have to know which way the fish are moving, how far off the beach they are, how to work the current to your advantage, drift trolling, which baits work well, fishing tips for using electronics and tackle. We are going to show you how to fish Miami Beach for giant tarpon. Learn how to get on fish and stay on fish until your arms are worn out. If you are interested in learning high level tarpon fishing techniques, this In The Spread fishing video is for you. Fishing for tarpon at night doe not have to be difficult. We break down everything you need to know to catch all the fish you want. Go with knowledge and catch more.

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The In The Spread Nighttime Tarpon Fishing video shows you the ins and outs of targeting these kings of the inshore waters in the dark. Fishing for “BIG” tarpon in the daytime is one thing. Fighting fish over a 100 lbs at night, just off the beach, on a flats boat is another ballgame. If you want to be a better tarpon fisherman, this fishing video will help you achieve that. What better place to target tarpon fish in the states than Miami. Easy to get to, great places to stay, food, oh the food and the beaches. To think that you will be fishing a stones throw from the beach at night is exciting. The lights and music are right there. There are also some damn big fish cruising the waters of South Florida. Learn how to catch tarpon at night. Watch as we dissects the finer points of tangling with these hogs at night, so you can go out and do it on your own. Learn where the fish are going to be and why. See what the right bottom machine can do for you. Get pointers on drift trolling, terminal tackle, rods, reels and baits. Discover different ways to play the current and angling tactics that will trigger more bites. We are going to break down every aspect of nighttime tarpon fishing for you. When the tarpon fish is in abundance through the spring and summer, capitalize on what we share in this video to catch more fish. Learn how to get on fish and stay on fish. Just knowing a few advanced techniques will help increase your hook up ratio. These strategies for nighttime tarpon fishing Florida will produce fish. It really isn't rocket science. It is just about knowing a little more. Never stop learning. [Tarpon Fishing Videos]( [BUY DVD Here](

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