Dolphin Fishing Weedlines and Current Edges

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Instructor: RJ Boyle
Categories: Saltwater , Dolphin

When you head offshore to do some dolphin fishing, you really need to be on the look out for any little change in the water. Everyone onboard should have eyes up scanning for anything unusual. Many times, weed patches and current edges can be rather small. These minor anomalies can pay big rewards, so pay attention. Weedlines and current edges are great places to investigate for pelagic species. For dolphin fishing, these formations are a must to explore. As various currents push together, weed can start to accumulate or you may see a color break. Murky water and blue water can be side by side. The blue water is the environment of the dolphin and other pelagic species. The murky water or weed will provide shelter for smaller baitfish. In these areas a food chain will form attracting more and more fish. You need to take time to investigate. When you see something in the water, pull back and make sure your gear is ready. Have a couple of rods rigged with strip baits or small lures for dolphin trolling. Be sure not to get too close to the weedline or current edge, as you may frighten bigger fish away. When ready, start trolling on the clean or blue water side into the current. Watch for life. The dolphin will know you are there and come out to check out your offering. Don't spend too much time trolling these areas. If the bites are not coming, continue on to your desired dolphin fishing numbers. This fishing video offers some salient advice that will pay off for you, if you incorporate it into your program. Even the most minor change in the water can be a source of productivity. Be on the look out and investigate accordingly.

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When it comes to dolphin fishing weedlines and current edges are something you need to pay attention to. They are formed when two or more ocean currents collide, forming patches of weed, color changes or choppy water. These areas tend to aggregate baitfish, due to the protection afforded or because of the oxygen rich water. Even the smallest patch of grass of rip line will hold fish, so be curious and check them. The ocean is full of visual cues, many of which can offer super productive fishing. You need to pay close attention to notice every little change in the water, as you travel to your desired dolphin fishing spot. Everyone on your boat needs to be on the look out. Grass, weed and debris in even the smallest form can hold fish. Current edges can be small or huge. Each person on your boat needs to have their eyes on the water to notice anomalies. Weedlines can be tiny patches of grass, long lines of grass or immense fields. Various currents will push weed together forming these concentrations. As these bits of grass come together, small fish will gather for protection and to feed off the grass. This forms are food chain as bigger and bigger baitfish move in. Dolphin will also be attracted to the weedlines as a source of food. Current edges can manifest as choppy areas in calm seas, color changes or what may look like a river flowing in the middle of the ocean. These are visual cues that you should not pass up. Many times these edges are the result of water of different temperatures colliding with each other. One side may be blue and the other green or brown. The blue water has higher levels of oxygen. Dolphin love blue water. The murky water may have higher levels of nutrients, but less oxygen. In many cases that murky water may only be a few feet deep with blue water underneath. Edges can be productive for dolphin fishing, so learn how to approach and troll them for fish. As you travel looking for differences in the water, you need to notice what is happening on the surface of the water. Slick areas, chop, waves and grass are all areas to key in on. Check out anything out the ordinary. You should also take into account various types of grass will be more productive for dolphin fishing and other pelagic species than others. Turtle grass does not hold baitfish, so skip it. Sargasso weed is the good stuff. Know the difference. When you notice something, pull back and make sure all your dolphin fishing gear is ready, before deploying lures of baits. A good recommendation is to have two rods rigged with strip baits or small lures. Keep it simple. Remember not to get too close to the weed or edge? This is key. Stay off 100-200 feet. Do not get too close or you will spook off the fish. At this stand off point, start your trolling into the current on the clean or blue water side. As you troll down the weed line or edge, look for bait and birds. Don't spend too much time, if you are not getting bites. You still need to get to your desired dolphin fishing spot. Watch other [dolphin fishing videos](

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