Cubera Snapper Fishing with Bouncer Smith

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Instructor: Bouncer Smith

Big, powerful fish that can be finicky about how they eat and require a heavy load of drag to stop, who doesn't want to catch them? When you fish in the Western Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean basin, there is one vicious reef donkey that comes to mind and that is the cubera snapper or dog fish. This species is often wrongly accused of being a shark by anglers that reel in a head instead of a fish. Don't kid yourself, if you do not stop this snapper fish from snatching your bait and heading to wreck, reef or rocky craggy structure where they live in about 3 seconds, it's game over. South Florida fishing legend Capt. Bouncer Smith has set and holds multiple word records for cubera snapper. If you want to learn more about how to catch cubera snapper, Bouncer is the guy you want to learn from. He is just a super nice guy and an absolute ninja when in comes to inshore and near shore game fish fishing. Watch as he shows you the baits that work, how to rig bait, baiting tactics and how to fight reef donkeys in this In The Spread fishing video. You will learn about drag settings, all the tackle, his preferred bait rig, how to drift structure and deep insight on how to handle the intensity of the bite and the fight. This is not for the faint of heart. Learn from the best and fish smarter.

Description / Review / Instructor

For the warmer waters of the western Atlantic, Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, the cubera snapper or dog snapper (Lutjanus cyanopterus) is a legendary reef bully. Sometimes mistaken for sharks that eat your catch before you get it to the boat, cubera are voracious, aggressive and get big. You can target these hogs anywhere you find natural reefs, artificial reefs, oil rigs or rocky bottom. This fierce predator presents several angling and tackle challenges. On the subject of how to catch cubera snapper, there is definitely one fisherman who you would benefit from consulting. A guy with multiple world records, knowledge seeping out of his pores and iconic status in South Florida sport fishing circles also happens to be one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Capt. Bouncer Smith is the guy you want to learn the requisite skills for this type of snapper fishing from. He knows the reefs and wrecks that dot the topography better than most ever will. His talents with cubers snapper fishing are extraordinary. How much drag you need at the bite and for the fight usually dictates your tackle setup. You need a little more for these snapper. We will break down the type of rod you need and the size reels required to deliver heavy drag. You will learn about the bait rig, the best hooks for snapper fishing, the ideal gaffs to deal with these toothy fish, harnesses and rigging tools. We dive into the terminal tackle used to make the snapper rig and why it is imperative to use the right stuff. RJ Boyle leads you through the tackle maze breaking down all the terminal tackle and snapper fishing rigs you need. The bait and bait rig are super serious. We are using live lobsters and 12/0 hooks. Within the limits of the law, mangrove snapper make excellent baits. Yellowtail have caught fish. A nice bonita trolled around the reef is a sure thing to get hammered. For the angler, get ready. The subtleness and intensity of the bite takes a bit to get used to. The cubera will pick you clean in a split second. Once you get the bite rhythm down, you better buckle up. These incredibly strong fish will give you everything you can handle for a few minutes. Hang on and you win. It's kind of like bull riding. Boat driving is very important in this game. The ability to put your bait where it needs to be is critical. You sure don't want to get housed by a cubera. You will either win or lose this battle real quickly. Bouncer will discuss driving the boat over the structure and how to drop the bait to get good clean hookups without getting too close to the wreck. Power drifting your baits in and around the wreck or reef when there is current can be tricky. It does not have to be. In The Spread will show you how to deal with all of the finer points. Enjoy the knowledge being shared in this In The Spread Cubera Snapper Fishing video and Never Stop Learning. Watch other [Snapper Fishing Videos](

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