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striped bass

  • Striped Bass Fishing Dam Boils

    2018, Striper Fishing Dam Boils in Tennessee

    Striped bass fishing in Tennessee affords anglers several options to present baits and lures. The lakes, rivers and reservoirs are loaded with big fish. One of the coolest and dangerous striper fishing experiences is fishing the massive spillways. If you want to know how to catch striped bass below Melton Hill Dam, Todd Asher is the guy you want to learn from. He makes everything look so effortless. Learn how he safely motors up to the huge volume of water spilling out of the dam, deploys his baits and drifts back. Your safety is paramount, so pay close attention to the process. See the baits you prefers and what he does to prepare them and his striper fishing rigs. Learn about the gear he uses and his best fishing tips for getting your baits in the best spot. There is some outstanding fishing to be had, so learn from one of the very best and fish smarter.
