Speckled Trout in the Summer

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Instructor: William Toney

Join Capt. William Toney on another learning adventure with In The Spread Summer Sea Trout Fishing, as he discusses the go to fish for many inshore anglers. Sea trout are considered the king of the inshore waters, as far as being sought after, caught and eaten. Trout are a very good eating fish. There are many different ways to catch sea trout. So, follow Florida Capt. William Toney to learn tactics and techniques for targeting sea trout. This video will cover when to target trout, what conditions are optimal, methods for slow drifting the flats or shallow waters, how to catch sea trout using a popping cork rig with various jigs and a heck of a lot more.

Description / Review / Instructor

There are a few inshore fishing guides in Florida that are considered to be the best of the best. These fishermen have earned this distinction with their successes on the water. Captain William Toney is a guide that has spent his entire life guiding folks on the upper west coast of the state. He grew up learning the waters of Homosassa, Florida from his grandfather and father, who were both hunting and fishing guides. There may be no other fishermen in this part of the state that knows the back country, keys and waterways as well as William. If you want to learn inshore fishing for sea trout, redfish, snook or other popular species, he is a superb teacher. William Toney's easy going demeanor, tons of experience and wicked water smarts make him a great source for sea trout fishing knowledge. With this In The Spread sea trout fishing video breaks down how to target fish during the summer using a popping cork rig. There really are many ways to catch speckled trout. Using a popping cork is one of the best. As one of the go to fish for many anglers, sea trout provide good action and nice table fare for those interested. They are naturally curious and the commotion the cork makes on the surface attracts fish and bites. As low light feeders, speckled trout are best caught in the early mornings, late afternoons or on cloudy days. If you can only get on in the middle of the day or on sunnier days, try fishing channel edges or deeper waters. If you are not familiar with a popping cork rig or want to know some finer points of their use, William will dissect rigging them, using them and the variety of colors he prefers. He will share the type of soft plastic baits and jig heads he use underneath the cork and why his method is what it is. Success has distilled his methods down to the simple. William will go into great detail on the mechanics of how popping corks work the bait, how to rig popping corks, the leader material that is ideal and how to fish a popping cork. You will hear William talk about what to look for, in terms of fishing locations. Lush grassy flats are good. Within these grassy areas there will be specific spots that William will explain where bigger fish will setup. Learn how to fish a flat and where the bigger fish will hold. When fishing a flat for sea trout, you will not be anchored up. You will drift the flat, so you need to get your boat oriented the right way, especially if there are multiple anglers on the boat. It is always best to learn from the very best person you can reach. This way you understand what not to do and best practices for success. Take what Capt. William Toney has to share and add it to your tackle box of knowledge. [Sea Trout Fishing Videos](https://inthespread.com/sea-trout-fishing-videos) [Fish with Capt. William Toney](http://homosassainshorefishing.com) [BUY DVD Here](https://www.amazon.com/Summer-Seatrout-Fishing-William-Toney/dp/B01B9L00XK/ref=sr_1_70?m=A32B7NAN75VEV7&s=merchant-items&ie=UTF8&qid=1539345368&sr=1-70)

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Captain William Toney

Captain William Toney, a Homosassa, Florida native, is a revered fourth-generation fishing guide who blends ancestral wisdom with modern techniques to deliver unparalleled fishing experiences. As the owner and operator of Homosassa Inshore Fishing, his expertise spans a wide variety of fish species such as Red Fish, Sea Trout, Mangrove Snapper and Snook, among others. His customized 23' Tremblay Flats Boat, powered by Mercury Outboards, is a testament to his commitment to providing top-notch fishing experiences.

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