Rigging Marlin Fishing Lures and Terminal Connections

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Instructor: Chris Rushford

The crew aboard the Reel Teaser Fishing Adventures does a lot of diverse fishing. They do long range offshore fishng trips to shelf atolls, troll for sailfish and blue marlin, fish reef donkeys, target tuna, wahoo, swordfish and run backcountry expeditions for barramundi. This variety of gamefishing lends for fundamental understanding of the limitations rigs and line sizes across a range of classes. When you know how much energy really powerful fish can exert and the limitations of your tackle, you know exactly how much stopping force you can apply before failure. Knowing this requires your tackle rigging to be very sound. The best fishermen in the world have their rigging techniques tested on an almost daily basis battling fish. Given that the waters off Western Australia hold some really big fish, the tackle terminal connections you use have to be up to the task. Ross Newton, the captain of Reel Teaser, has been fishing these waters for a long time. He has boated some giants and knows how to rig his lures and terminal connections for big marlin fishing. See the system they use and learn how to rig marlin lures his way. The rigging system he uses for the stiff rig on his lures is very interesting. I have discussed with some of the very best big game fishermen in the world how they rig lures and none of them utilize anything like the crafty rigging technique I witnessed on the Reel Teaser. Ross Newton\'s protege Chris Rushford is going to demonstrate how to rig marlin fishing lures with their special stiff rig and the terminal connection they utilize from the mainline to the leader. Chris is an excellent fishing instructor. His depth of skill and knowledge come from spending so much time fishing for and catching donkeys on heavy tackle to light. Watch and see how one of the best big game boats in Western Australia rigs lures and terminal connections. It is nothing but good to be able to see how other great fishermen do what they do. Knowing why they do it is even better. Like we always say at In The Spread, learn from the best, use the best equipment you can and catch the biggest fish. Fish smarter.

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Marlin fishing, it happens all over the world. Some people pull rigged baits, live or dead. Most of the fishermen that I have had the fortune of fishing with, troll lures. Trolling lures allow you to cover the most amount of water, in search of blue marlin. How you rig lures has everything to do with how lures swim in the water and your hook up rate. The very first fishing videos I filmed were lure rigging videos. How to rig trolling lures for marlin fishing was my interest. It is really interesting to watch top notch fishermen rig. I have always been fascinated by the bait rigging process. There are so many different techniques. The ingenuity that some folks employ is amazing. Getting inside their thought process on how they want the lure to swim and how they can manipulate the lures performance thru rigging is a beautiful thing to behold. There is just so much to learn. At some point though, you have to settle on a system that works for you and perfect it. The best fishermen however, leave themselves open the learn new tricks. There is always something to be learned from those that achieve great success. Some of those things can be added to your own fishing arsenal of knowledge, so you can get a little better. Given that Ross Newton has established himself as a billfishing titan in Western Australia, I thought it would be interesting to see how to rig trolling lures his way. Having won multiple big game tournaments and boated some really big blue marlin over the years, Ross has to have a few tricks up his sleeve. Capt. Ross Newton owns and operates the Reel Teaser Fishing Adventures long range sport fishing yacht, along with his wife Tracey and her angling savant son Chris Rushford. Ross targets a lot of different species on the west coast of Australia. Pelagic fish, reef donkeys, inshore and backcountry are all in his wheel house. His keen understanding of tackle limitations translates well into his rigging practices. For both his lure rigging and terminal connections systems, he utilizes some very crafty techniques. Ross is a very savvy, innovative fishermen. He has instilled this into his crew, who have become very sound in their own practices. We are going to share those with you. Chris Rushford, working as the mate on the Reel Teaser, has a very close relationship with Ross. You can see them constantly consulting each other on the fishing and the tackle. The information exchange is impressive. When you are exposed at an early age to maser level fishing skills and have to intellect to absorb it and apply it, you become super skilled yourself. Chris is a rock solid fisherman who has had the opportunity to do a lot of different fishing. Barramundi, sailfish, marlin, coral trout, giant trevally, dog tooth tuna, red bass and the list goes. For a young dude, Chris Rushford is a mulit-species seasoned angler and mate. Chris just has an amazing ability to teach in the midst of fishing or tackle rigging or whatever it is he is doing. He articulates on a high level, yet, in easy to understand terms. For this In The Spread fishing video, he is going to show you the rigging technique for marlin lures used on Reel Teaser and how the connection from the mainline to the leader is made. Both of these rigging techniques may be a little different from what you are used to, but they work. The line to leader connection I have seen used before, but the stiff rig on the Joe Yee super plunger was a first. I have watched several of the very best big blue marlin fishermen in the world rig lures with a stiff hook rig. What Chris does to create the stiff rig is nothing short of F'ing crafty. This is one of Ross Newton's super ninja style lure rigging techniques and you get to see it up close. Fish with [Reel Teaser Fishing Adventures](https://www.reelteaserfishingadventures.com/)

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