Popping Cork Rigs for Redfish

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Instructor: William Toney

We always strive to put the very best fishermen in front of you, so you receive the upper echelon of fishing knowledge. That is why, for you inshore fishing anglers, we work with Capt. William Toney so much. He is as knowledgeable as they come. His depth of knowledge and experience fishing Florida's Nature coast runs back 4 generations. He knows how to target redfish all year. So, when it comes to fishing a redfish popping cork rig, William is definitely a fishermen to learn from. Free lining live shrimp under a cork rig for red fish, or many inshore fishing species, is super productive. For days where the wind is up, the tides are heavy or a combination thereof, using a cork rig can mean the difference between catch and not. There are a lot of different types of corks, but for this fishing video, William will be using a popping cork rig for redfish. Learn how to rig a popping cork for redfish and how to effectively fish it. A redfish popping cork rig allows you to control your drift across or next to the area where the red drum will hold. It enables you to manage the speed, position and depth of your presentation. You will know if you are in the strike zone and be able to see the visual result of a redfish striking your bait. Get the lowdown on various hooks you can use and why a weighted jig head is best suited for the type of fishing William is doing in this fishing video. When you have wind and/or lots of water movement, your bait can start to ski behind your cork rig. You really want to keep that bait down below the cork and a jig can help you do that. Now, what baits work with a redfish popping cork rig? Shrimp, cut mullet, cut pinfish or live pinfish are great options. William will be using shrimp and he will explain why this bait is working best. He spends over 300 days a year on the water, so he has a complete understanding of what the fish are feeding on and why. Learn how to hook live shrimp and how to keep shrimp alive without a live well. You will also learn how you hook shrimp can help with casting baits. For Capt. William Toney, the all important element that must be understood is the tides. The more you know about the movement of water and how fish react accordingly, the more fish you are going to catch. William goes into great detail about how he works the tide. The redfish move into certain areas with the water. Setting up on those areas and knowing when to move is critical to your catching. Add what Capt. Toney shares in this fishing video to your fishing arsenal and be prepared for those days when fishing with a popping cork rig for redfish is the only way to get tight. Our goal is the provide you with the tools necessary to be a smarter angler. Learn from the best and get out on the water to practice the fishing tips and techniques William has for you. You will be happier for it.

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Having a redfish popping cork rig and the knowledge of how to fully capitalize on all the it offers is perhaps the most basic, yet lethal, tools to have in your redfish or red drum fishing arsenal. The versatility a popping cork rig provides can be the difference on certain days. When it is a little windy outside and maybe the tides are a little heavier, a bobber or strike indicator will really help you keep your bait in the strike zone. With this In The Spread fishing video, Capt. William Toney is going to break down how he approaches taking advantage of what a cork offers. This is a windy day following a big storm system and the water is rising and falling more the usual. Learn how to free line live shrimp using a cork rig for red fish. William Toney oozes inshore fishing knowledge. He is a fourth generation hunting and fishing guide from Homosassa, Florida. There is perhaps nobody that knows the inshore saltwater fishing of the nature coast and big bend area of Florida better than he does. Why would you want to use a popping cork rig with your redfish bait? It makes free lining baits far more precise. You can keep the bait at the right depth in the water column. You can see the cork go down, which tells you when the redfish strikes the bait. Now, there are all sorts of corks, bobbers, strike indicators, as such on the market. It is probably the first thing you ever used fishing. For this particular instructional fishing video, William is using a popping cork rig. Redfish popping cork rigs do more than just indicate when you are getting a bite. The surface noise they make attracts other fish. Sea trout, redfish, snook, flounder and other inshore fishing species can't resist investigating the commotion the popping cork makes. They noise and vibration they make mimics another fish striking the surface. Cork color can make a difference, so see what colors William prefers. For red fish fishing, with the weather being a tad dicey, the visual element of this redfish rig is key. William Toney is going to show you his popping cork rig for red drum, for use when running a controlled drift along a series of keys where the redfish setup when moving in with the tide. This red drum rig allows him to manage the movement of the bait, the drift speed and depth where the bait needs to be situated. By free lining a bait without a cork rig, you are left to guess where the bait is, at all times. And, as in our case, if the bottom is craggy and snaggy, keeping the bait off the bottom is critical. You can control all these elements by using a popping cork rig for redfish. We will examine various hook styles for cork rigs and which William prefers. Anything from a circle hook, j hook or a jig head will work. With our given conditions, where it is windy and the tides are heavier than normal, the cork rig will tend to move faster through the water, causing the bait to get towed or rise up in the water column away from the fish. Even if you hold the cork in place, the water movement can sweep the bait up. A weighted jig head can help prevent this, by keeping the bait down below the cork. Since William spends the vast majority of his days on the water, he knows which bait happens to be working best this time of year. You can use shrimp, cut mullet, cut pinfish or live pinfish to catch redfish this way. For this video, shrimp happened to be the more productive bait, so that will be our area of focus. William will cover how to hook live shrimp through either the head or the tail and the benefits of each hooking point. For casting, hooking shrimp through the tail is better, as all the weight is in the head. You will learn how to keep shrimp alive all day, without the use of a live well. Learn casting techniques, how to keep bait in the strike zone and how to keep the belly out of your line. In windy conditions, a bow or a belly can develop, can hinder your ability to set the hook. William has a few simple red fish fishing techniques to help. One of the most important aspects of saltwater fishing you have to deal with is tides. If you have ever watch any of Capt. William Toney's other fishing video or attended one of his seminars, you know how he talks a lot about tides and how to work them. Knowing how to fish the tides, for a given inshore fishing species, is a big factor in your success. Knowing how fish respond to tides and being able to efficiently work the water movement is huge. William will share his experience of staging yourself in ideal fishing areas and moving with the tide. Take the information shared in this redfish fishing video and be a smarter angler. Learning fishing tips and techniques from super accomplished fishermen is the best way to advance your skill set and catch more redfish. Get out on the water and apply what you learn at In The Spread. We want you to be the smartest angler you can be. [Redfish Fishing Videos](https://inthespread.com/redfish-fishing-videos)

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Chris Vanthul 04.08.2021


Louise Eastty 01.28.2020


Captain William Toney

Captain William Toney, a Homosassa, Florida native, is a revered fourth-generation fishing guide who blends ancestral wisdom with modern techniques to deliver unparalleled fishing experiences. As the owner and operator of Homosassa Inshore Fishing, his expertise spans a wide variety of fish species such as Red Fish, Sea Trout, Mangrove Snapper and Snook, among others. His customized 23' Tremblay Flats Boat, powered by Mercury Outboards, is a testament to his commitment to providing top-notch fishing experiences.

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