Winter Black Drum Fishing - Capt William Toney

January 08, 2019
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Light tackle is best for black drum because it is easy to tire out these big fish.

One inshore fish that doesn't get the credit it should is easier to catch during the winter months. Black drum will move into the Nature Coast river during the winter to stay warm at time of cold fronts. Deep holes with hard shell bottom are the best places to target black drum. Shrimp as bait fish on the bottom have always work best for me while targeting them in the river. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission legal minimum size is 14" to 24" with a 5 fish limit. These are the best eating size " puppy drum" called by some and taste the same as they're cousin red fish. You may keep one black drumover 24" but I suggest to release black drum over the slot because they are not as good tasting as the slot size fish.

The large black drum up to 30lbs will start to show up just west and north of the St. Martins Keys. On a calm day these large schools of black drum can be seem from a good distant away. Cracked blue crab and sometimes live shrimp will get the bite. Sometimes they will not eat at all. The fun part is when you do hook one it is a very exciting fight. Light tackle is best because it is easy to tire out these big fish. High incoming tide will be early morning this weekend.

Captain William Toney

Homosassa Inshore Fishing

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