Category: Swordfish

Swordfish - Biology of a Deep Water Predator

Swordfish - Baits, Lures, Videos, when and where to fish, more

How to Catch Swordfish – Start with Knowledge

How to Catch Swordfish – Start with Knowledge

Swordfish - The Power of Smarter Fishing

Learn tactics and techniques, tackle, line, leader material, rods, reels, rigs and more

How to Make the Most out of Your Daytime Swordfishing Trip

Make the Most out of Your Daytime Swordfishing Trip.

Swordfishing - Understanding an Apex Predator

Ultimately, as fishermen, our goal is to catch these beasts.

Daytime Swordfishing - Advanced Deep Dropping Made Easier

Fishing for swordfish is nothing more than extreme bottom fishing...

Swordfishing - The Fine Art of Deep Dropping

In the modern era, swordfishing has traditionally been a nighttime endeavor.

Swordfish Videos - The Power of Learning

Want to learn fundamental swordfishing techniques and the tackle you need?

Big Swordfish - Tactical Advantages

You need to know what you are dealing with when tangling with big swordfish.

Daytime Swordfishing - Gladiators of the Deep

Daytime swordfishing is an interesting form of deep dropping.