Smarter Fishing with In The Spread - Mangrove Snapper

Mangrove Snapper - Smarter Fishing with More Knowledge
The Mangrove Snapper, also known as the Gray Snapper, is a popular target for fishermen along the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast. Keen fishermen in Florida can find great success hunting for these pretty, medium-sized fish. However, you need to know where to go, what to use, and what to expect from these crafty creatures.
Where To Find The Mangrove Snapper
These fish may be fairly common in Florida but you still need to find the best habitat. The Mangrove Snapper gets its name from the fact that you will mostly find them in the mangroves and situated on hard bottom structure. However, many fishermen do find success in inlets and around docks or bridges. Remember that if you go further inshore, you're most likely to catch smaller juvenile fish. So, it is better to head out to the mangroves or areas of good structure for the best results.
One of the main reasons mangrove snapper and other snapper species prefer to be around structure, rather than out in open water, is for protection. They will hang out fairly close to the surface if they are close to the mangrove trees, or perhaps a boat wreck or jetty to hide under.
When To Go Fishing For Mangrove Snapper
Your best bet for fishing for Mangrove Snappers is to go in the high of summer. Not only is this more pleasant for a fishing trip, but the odds of landing a good catch are increased. The warmer weather will help encourage them to the surface, making them easier to lure in. This is partly why we see more of them inshore around the coast over the summer. On top of that, they spawn between April and November, so there are simply more of them around.
What Bait Works Best With Mangrove Snapper?
Lots of Mangrove Snapper fishermen will have their own preferences here based on personal experience. Live bait is generally more effective. While there are lots of fishermen leaning toward shrimp and crustaceans over fish, many have success with live pilchards.
This doesn't mean that lures won't work if that's all you have. Some people have used a good natural-scented shrimp imitation and fooled snappers. Try out some different options and see what works best.
What Size Hook To Use For Mangrove Snapper?
The hook is just as important as the bait because you want to be sure of landing that catch. Many novices will come to the mangroves ill-prepared and watch the snappers steal their live shrimp with ease. That is why you need a nice small hook like a #2 J hook or a 1/0 circle hook on the bait. The added benefit of the circle is that it should stop them from swallowing the hook, and you can easily throw them back if they're on the small side.
Other Top Mangrove Snapper Fishing Tips And Techniques
1) Be careful with your leader.
You want this to be as light as possible so that it isn't as visible and likely to give you away. These fish have pretty good eyesight and while this is great for them spotting the live bait, is not so good for trying to stay inconspicuous. If they realize something is up, they'll move away.
2) Look out for Sheepshead
These may not be what you came to catch, but they will help you find the snapper. These two species like to hang out together around bridges and other structures. So, if you spot the Sheepshead, it is worth sticking around and trying for the snapper.
3) Don't forget that snappers are strong.
This can catch some newcomers off-guard. Once the fish has the bait, it will fight for its life and put up a good struggle. Be ready to reel it in!
4) Don't try spearfishing Mangrove Snappers.
This is a fun activity to try around the Floridian mangroves, but snappers are too wary of divers to come close. Stick to the rods and live bait.
Check Out These Videos For More Details On Mangrove Snapper Fishing.
The best way to be successful when fishing for Mangrove Snappers is to have plenty of potential waypoints in mind, be aware of lots of different bait options, and have the skills to handle both the fish and bait. You can learn about all this and more by following this link We hope this proves to be useful and wish you a happy fishing trip.
Sarah M.
Special Contributor