To thrive and really get ahead, you have to continually educate yourself.

Instructional Fishing Videos - The Way Forward
In order to thrive and really get ahead, you have to continually educate yourself. When you stop learning you diminish yourself. It is only with growth that we are able to achieve more. If you are into fishing, you understand the value in learning. We were all taught how to fish by a more experienced fisherman or woman. These were people that imparted knowledge to us, sharing the wisdom they had gained fishing. Wisdom attained from experience and that experience came from getting out on the water and studying the fishery, the moon and the weather for years.
The best fishermen in the world don't act like they know everything. They all understand the fact that they have to continuously learn to be successful. As when we were all younger, a lot of the knowledge sharing takes place person to person or by experimentation. Those of us who are privileged to spend a lot of time on the water honing our skills or know and fish with really good fishermen are continually learning. Aside from knowing as much as you can about what is going on in a fishery, there is new gear, new lures, new techniques, new electronics and a never ending stream of innovations from the fishing industry. How do you stay ahead? Use the power of online instructional videos to empower your fishing. In The Spread is your one stop shop for high quality streaming video instruction. We give you a conduit into the thinking of great fishermen, as they fish.
It is all about learning new fishing skills, educating yourself. We allow you to stay curious about how to improve. What fishing skills do you want to develop? Who do you want to learn from? That is the central question. It doesn't matter what it is. You want to learn from the best. You want to learn from people that specialize in the type of fishing that you are interested in. You want to learn from captains, guides and anglers that are on a higher level with their thinking. These are guys who can tell you season to season and month to month how the fish are going to be behaving and what tackle and tactics lend for greater success. If you don't have the privilege of being able to fish with guys like this, take advantage of the highest quality resource available for sport fishing instruction. In The Spread fishing videos give you the access.
In The Spread provides the most extensive and diverse collection of in-depth instructional fishing videos in the world. We have no time limits, no commercials, no antics. We only work with guys and gals that are considered best of the best. What really distinguishes our instructors is their unique ability to articulate, on a deep level, what they are doing, how they are doing it and why, all being engaged in the act of fishing. They will share with you everything they know. We drill as deep as you can go into a given species and cast aside all secrets, so you get the information you need to catch more and bigger fish. We are in the business of educating fishermen. Helping you catch more fish is our goal. What we offer is access to great fishing minds. There are no boring backroom presentations. We give you great info and show you exactly how to do it on the water. Never stop learning.
-Seth Horne
Founder, In The Spread