Homosassa Inshore Fishing - Last Week of the Year

December 26, 2018
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Homosassa: Sheepshead, mangrove snapper and blackdrum are the most prevalent.

Entering the last week of the year, things I've accomplished or failed at I always reflect back on at a ritual I've practice since my kids were old enough to open presents at Christmas. After all the paper tearing, box ripping part of the present party is over in the morning, I look forward to burning all the cardboard, paper and non plastic leftovers that usually is in a mound taller then the gifts that held them. I would never burden the garbage man with all that stuff and I find it enjoyable however weird some may think, butterflies be damned. 

The last week of grouper for the fish box is here. Most the offshore guides I've talked to before the warm up were working hard to get a limit. Things should improve because of the weather and getting away from these full moon tides. Depths from 12 to 30 feet are good, anglers have been getting them on trolling plugs, live pinfish and cut mullet. One thing about the cut mullet it will put out more scent in the cold water then most baits. The trout bite will be good if you concentrate on shallow edges of deeper channels and holes. The trout will be sunning in the shallow depths. The river fishing will be good also with live shrimp on the bottom. Sheepshead, mangrove snapper and blackdrum are the most prevalent species. Deep areas on the north sides of the bank are best. Incoming tide will be in the morning this weekend. 

-Capt. William Toney


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