Best Big Lures for Muskie with Cory Allen

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Instructor: Cory Allen

There\'s big. And then there\'s musky big. Muskie fishing is a sport of extremes, and as much focus as the smaller end of the spectrum demands, the larger end deserves its own time in the spotlight. We have all seen fishing videos showing big muskie swimming around with a 20\'\' inch fish in their mouth. This In The Spread fishing video features legendary esox masquinongy angler Cory Allen showcasing some of the better Brobdingnagian baits out there for musky anglers, and why their size in these instances, serves as an particular asset. There may be no muskellunge fisherman that spends more time breaking down lures and how to squeeze every ounce of performance out of them. Cory has a unique set of skills for understanding what fish will eat and why. Learn why these lure fishing tips can enhance your store of baits. Learn from the best and fish smarter.

Description / Review / Instructor

This Top Baits and Lures fishing video features In The Spread instructor Cory Allen sharing a few of his favorite big lures for muskie fishing. While there are no absolutes, and he is a huge proponent of exploring every aspect of the size control range for trophy muskellunge, the inherent default of conventional musky tackle is definitively and superlatively brobdingnagian…in other words, if your lures ain’t big, ya might as well go home. While nothing could be further from the truth, the breadth and variety of musky baits on the spectrum over 8” and beyond is by far the most perplexingly varied. Yet even amongst this bevy of buxom baits, there are subtle nuances to some that make particular tools definitively stick out from the context. Not only will you gain a hands-on presentation of a selection of specific baits ranging from glide baits to twitch baits to crankbaits to “rubber” in this muskie fishing video, but you’ll be introduced into how you too can critically analyze baits properly to understand what justifies their qualities against some of their ilk, as well as a contrasting discussion of their inherent limitations as well. Cory Allen is a fisherman that is way outside the box in his thinking about musky and how to choke every ounce of performance out of a bait. He spends more hours than is sane breaking down how various baits can be made to trigger bites. Take his fishing tips on big lures for musky fishing to the bank and fish smarter. [Muskie Fishing Videos]( [BUY DVD Here](

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Cory Allen

Cory Allen, known affectionately as the Tennessee Valley Muskie Authority (TVMA), is the epitome of deep knowledge and expertise in the field of muskie fishing. This moniker, a witty reference to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), holds a geographical connection with the Tennessee River drainage basin. It is this very area, stretching from southwest Kentucky to north Georgia and encompassing parts of northeast Mississippi, Virginia, and North Carolina, where Allen's muskie fishing mastery shines brightest.

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