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hand crank

  • Inlet Fishing for Snook Fish

    2018, Techniques to Hand Crank Swordfish with RJ Boyle

    Some anglers like to operate an electric reel when fishing for swordfish and others prefer the more sporting way of hand cranking that fish up from the depths. See how to deploy baits for manual fishing and what it takes to crank that swordfish all the way to the boat. This is a step by step demonstration on hand cranking swordfish. Highly accomplished daytime swordfishing angler RJ Boyle takes you through all the tackle your prefers, how he deploys baits with a break away rig, how to drive the hook and capture the fish. See how it is done, so you can go with confidence out to the swordfish grounds and hand crank fish. Watch and learn how to be a smarter fisherman.
