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frigate bird

  • 2020, Dolphin Fishing and Frigate Birds

    As you head offshore in search of dolphin, make it habitual to scan the skies for frigate birds. This particular seabird can turn your dolphin fishing day into a trophy day. Frigate birds do produce fish, not always dolphin. Marlin and sailfish are also species this birds tends to follow. Why are frigate birds following dolphin? Baitfish is the answer. Species like dolphin and billfish will push bait to the surface where it gets trapped. This allows the dolphin to easily feed on it. With the bait near the surface, the bird can pick it off without having to dive into the water. So, as you travel offshore, pay attention. If you spot a frigate bird, analyze what it is doing. Is it traveling or circling? Understand the behavioral clues. Pull back on your throttles and take a few minutes to observe what is going on. If the bird is circling, it is looking at something in the water. Is the bird way up or down close to the water. Chances are good that the bird is on a bigger dolphin. A bird high in the sky means the fish is lower in the water column. A frigate that is low means the dolphin or billfish is close to the surface. Make your way over, but be mindful of how you approach. Do not get too close to the areas being worked by the frigate bird. Have your rods, tackle and baits ready before heading over. There will be no margin for error. You may want to start with trolled baits, but need to drop in some live bait. Just be prepared. Try trolling around the circle the bird is making. The dolphin will know you are there and make its way over to investigate your bait offering. If your trolled baits don't trigger a bite, send out the live bait.
